Get In The Ring At Last
and discover the man you were made to be.
The Life You've Always Wanted Is Found In The Company Of Good Men.  Join Us.

This Is Not A Men's Group
Our focus is bigger. We're after complete transformation.
This Will Be Difficult
It may be the hardest thing you've ever done. It will be totally worth it.
This Will Push You Further
The faint of heart need not apply. This is for men hungry for more.
Explore The Octagon
MODULES      |      HANDOUTS      |      RESOURCES
The Modules
In The Octagon we tackle 8 core struggles common to every man, but we face them together as a brotherhood of courageous warriors. Exploring these 8 themes will form the anchors of a new life and the foundation to reclaim your masculine soul.
The Cycle Effect
In The Octagon we wrestle with the same topics every 8 weeks, but the conversations are NEVER boring. Like following a workout routine, we willl repeat the same lifts or same exercises again and again, every time becoming stronger and better.
The Resources
In The Octagon we provide weekly structure and ongoing support within a secure virtual community. Here you will have relevant resources and professional guidance that will enhance your confidence to keep fighting bravely for your freedom and wholeness.
The Octagon covers eight key areas every man struggles to master. We go through each one together and dive deeper into each every cycle.


There is something hard-wired deep in your soul and mine that longs to fight for freedom, beauty, and goodness. The fight to recover your own masculine soul requires the greatest courage of all. 


Vulnerability is something we love to talk about, but are scared to death of. However, embracing it reveals our deep reservoir of courage.


In ancient Greece, warriors would break the best stallions for battle. They were called "gentle" --
fierce and unflinching in the presence of danger.


Like it or not, being fully seen and fully known—especially those parts of me that hold the most shame—is essential for finding wholeness. 


True freedom from isolation and loneliness begins by allowing myself to be seen and known; this begins by telling the truth boldly, first to myself, then to others. 


Discover a love that invites your heart to openness, allowing you to taste first-hand the sweetness of Abba’s delight in you, His son. Discover a growing sense of freedom and hope. 


The answer to a fragmented life and a disconnected heart is NOT better pretending or shinier behavior; it’s wholeness and integration. It’s integrity. 


Deep inside, you and I both know we were made for more. There is something woven into the very fiber of my being that reminds me every moment of every day that I was built for greatness.
The Octagon covers eight key areas every man struggles to dominate. We go through each one together and dive deeper into each every cycle.


There is something hard-wired deep in your soul and mine that longs to fight for freedom, beauty, and goodness. The fight to recover your own masculine soul requires the greatest courage of all. 


Vulnerability is something we love to talk about, but are scared to death of. However, embracing it reveals our deep reservoir of courage.


In ancient Greece, warriors would break the best stallions for battle. They were called "gentle" --
fierce and unflinching in the presence of danger.


Like it or not, being fully seen and fully known—especially those parts of me that hold the most shame—is essential for finding wholeness. 


True freedom from isolation and loneliness begins by allowing myself to be seen and known; this begins by telling the truth boldly, first to myself, then to others. 


Discover a love that invites your heart to openness, allowing you to taste first-hand the sweetness of Abba’s delight in you, His son. Discover a growing sense of freedom and hope. 


The answer to a fragmented life and a disconnected heart is NOT better pretending or shinier behavior; it’s wholeness and integration. It’s integrity. 


Deep inside, you and I both know we were made for more. There is something woven into the very fiber of my being that reminds me every moment of every day that I was built for greatness.
This is what a recent member said about The Octagon
Don't take our word, see our testimonials
Brian has called me into mature manhood by challenging me to explore my uncomfortable feelings and fears, then lean into them in order to grow up into a man who is present, visible, and solid in my relationships and life. I am in the process of becoming that man.

Marc G.

Brian has called me into mature manhood by challenging me to explore my uncomfortable feelings and fears, then lean into them in order to grow up into a man who is present, visible, and solid in my relationships and life. I am in the process of becoming that man.

Marc G.
The Octagon Is The Most Powerful Way To Reclaim Your Masculinity.
You Were Made For This Fight, But Doing It Alone Is Foolish.

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